Real wealth VS faking status

In Sun Tzu’s Art of War he claims that “All war is deception.” To win in war you must deceive the enemy and sometimes your own troops. Appearing stronger, better equip, and more competent will weaken your enemies morale and increase your own standing. But is this a sustainable, long term strategy? Will this work every time. Unfortunately, no. Sooner or later someone wanting what you have will find the weakness in your armor and exploit that weakness. Trojan horses will only work once, maybe twice, but never more.

The alternative is to be the best, be the strongest, and be real. In personal finance it is much better be rich than to pretend, fake, and deceive others into thinking your rich. Going into debt to appear rich is not the same as saving, investing, and building strong businesses. To the untrained eye those that finance their appearances through debt look so much like those who earn it they can’t distinguish the two. As time grinds forward the fakes are exposed. Someone should tell Sun Tzu that all war is won through superior economics and not deceit on the battlefield.

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Every drop counts when finding the flow of your money
Every drop counts when building residual income. Your finances are like a bucket with water coming in as your income and water leaking out as expenses. This is an exercise in examining the holes in your bucket.

While monthly interest costs is a simple calculation it is nice to know what your debt is costing each month. Lately I’ve been obsessed with automatic monthly income or expenses. Trying to cut back on every monthly expense and trying to increase monthly residual income is a challenge. What if I paid an extra $1,000 on my credit card? How much would that increase my net monthly income?

While $10 a month doesn’t sound like much savings it all adds up quick. If you have $10,000 in credit card debt you’d be paying $100 a month just in interest fees. Fighting to get back $10 a month in residual income is well worth it.

Cost of $1,000 debt every month

5% APR costs $4.17 per month
6% APR costs $5.00 per month
7% APR costs $5.83 per month
8% APR costs $6.67 per month
9% APR costs $7.50 per month
10% APR costs $8.33 per month
11% APR costs $9.17 per month
12% APR costs $10.00 per month
13% APR costs $10.83 per month
14% APR costs $11.67 per month
15% APR costs $12.50 per month
16% APR costs $13.33 per month
17% APR costs $14.17 per month
18% APR costs $15.00 per month
19% APR costs $15.83 per month
20% APR costs $16.67 per month
21% APR costs $17.50 per month
22% APR costs $18.33 per month

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