Some of the richest people in the world drive very average cars. How average? So average you would never crank your head around to get a second look. In fact, some of these cars would be classified as old, unflattering, and beat up. What can these cars of billionaires teach us about personal finance?
Warren Buffett – Net Worth: $52 Billion

By far the greatest investor of our time. Called the Oracle of Omaha he has a knack for generating billions of dollars for his investors.

Up until 2006 he drove a 5 year old 2001 Lincoln Towncar. The license plate read “THRIFTY”.
Ingvar Kamprad – Net Worth: $33 Billion

Ingvar Kamprad, Ikea founder.

He drives a Volvo which is more than 15 years old.
Sam Walton – If alive today his Net Worth would be: $63.3 Billion

Known for being fiscal and practical in all his dealings. His heirs collectively have $63.3 Billion.

Sam drove a 1979 F-150 even after he made billions with Wal-Mart.